Workshop for Shiatsu practitioners
This weekend workshop is for Shiatsu practitioners and 3rd year Shiatsu Students or Bodyworkers who use Chinese Medicine .
“ The Extraordinary Vessels
– connecting to our deepest core energy”
Learn how the E.V. support major transitions in our life including menarche, pregnancy, birth, moving house/job, menopause and end of life
The Extraordinary Vessels are pathways created from the time of conception and before the organs develop. They take us back to the safe and supportive space we experienced in our mother’s womb.
Learn to work on the four Inner Extraordinary Vessels: Penetrating (Choung), Girdle (Dai) alongside Conception (Ren) and Governing(Du) Vessels. Understand how they relate to the Outer Vessels: Stepping (Quiao) and Linking(Wei) Vessels. We will also cover some of the connections to the Organs of the Extraordinary Vessels, including the connection of the Heart and Kidney to the Reproductive Organs.
Next course dates: Saturday & Sunday, 16th & 17th of September 2023
Venue: Dorking, Surrey
Fee: £145 (if booked in advance by 14th July 2023) or £170 full price.
Booking: contact Nicola by e-mail for a booking form.
See Nicola’s article for Shiatsu Society on a Healthy menstrual cycle.
This workshop is taught in a small group. It is a Wellmother Foundation course and can lead to studying for a one year Wellmother diploma course in maternity care. See for more details on the diploma course.